Conditions for approval required by: Martin Russell
Certification of Aerospace Products to international quality Standards
Form restricted to registered, logged in users. Please return to the home page and use the Create Account option.
Approval assumes ISO9100/9001 is renewed (expired Sept 2018) after report Aug 2018.
Manufacturing Route evidence not included or sealed (including Material source control).
Explanation why the test evidence sequence differs to the Tech Spec grouping order & any effect on sample conditioning (if any) should be clarified, see below;
The results summary indicate the following un-explained deviations from the Tech Spec:
Group 1 test-201 results not defined.
Group 1 test -415 & -418 not applicable to EN3155-014 Pin.
Group 4 not defined. i.e. contact bending -416 was conducted but not included in the results (however it’s noted not req’d by the Prod St’d?)
Group 5 test -502 not done for EN3155-015.
Group 5 test -418 & -301 added.
Groups 2 to 5 test -503 omitted.
Test -202 re-sequenced in groups.
Test -513 reassigned to Group 9.
Test -204 is a req’t of the Prod St’ds but is not included in EN3155-001. This should be captured in the report with recommendations as applicable. i.e. see test -402 & 403 results.
Confirmation of packaging conditions not included.
All the technical questions regarding the test sequences have been replied thru our several conference call of July, 19th 2019
ISO9001: Validity date 18/06/2020
EN9100: Validaty date 18/06/2020
Manufcaturing flow chart: document added to the documents