Conditions for approval required by: Julien Gauther
Certification of Aerospace Products to international quality Standards
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– Maybe add EN2753-030 as Customer part number since this is a qualification renewal.
– Is it possible to add heat treatment designation and specification?
– As per ISO 5858, § 5.1.5, sampling for hardness test and for product acceptance (not qualification) has to be done according to table 13, column B. Mfg batch size is 4610 parts. So, 5 nuts should have been tested.
– 4800 N minimum for 80% axial-load and 6000 N minimum for 100% axial-load.
Is it possible to add 4800 N minimum for 80% axial-load ?
5 nuts tested at 80% axial-load and 5 more (or maybe the same nuts tested at 80%) at 100% axial-load if I well understand. Is it right?
– Magnetic particle inspection for discontinuitties detection has been done with right sample size even if ISO 5858 does not require NDT for product acceptance. Maybe ISO5858 shall specify NDT test for Product Acceptance as it is the case for qualification. Anyway, it is better that this NDT has been done.
– 5 nuts tested for reusability test. As per ISO5858, §, table 13, column A shall apply for sampling. Mfg batch size is 4610. So, 20 parts should have been tested. However, locking torque test is a destructive test. This may explain why AFS seems to use sampling for destructive test (Table 13, column B). This could be a mistake in ISO5858, §
– Maybe add EN2753-050 as Customer part number since this is a qualification renewal.
– Is it possible to add heat treatment designation and specification ?
– As per ISO 5858, § 5.1.5, sampling for hardness test and for product acceptance (not qualification) has to be done according to table 13, column B. Mfg batch size is 11041 parts. So, 5 nuts should have been tested.
– 13500 N minimum for 80% axial-load and 16800 N minimum for 100% axial-load.
Is it possible to add 16800 N minimum for 100% axial-load ?
5 nuts tested at 80% axial-load and 5 more (or maybe the same nuts tested at 80%) at 100% axial-load if I well understand. Is it right ?
– Magnetic particle inspection for discontinuitties detection has been done even if ISO 5858 does not require NDT for product acceptance. Maybe ISO5858 shall specify NDT test for Product Acceptance as it is the case for qualification. Anyway, it is better that this NDT has been done.
– 5 nuts tested for reusability test. As per ISO5858, §, table 13, column A shall apply for sampling. Mfg batch size is 11041. So, 20 parts should have been tested. However, locking torque test is a destructive test. This may explain why AFS seems to use sampling for destructive test (Table 13, column B). This could be a mistake in ISO5858, §
Attached the two modified test report
Hello Antoine,
Test-Reports-EN2753-030-1 modified:
AFS’s part number has been added => okay
Heat treatment designation and specification is still missing.
Sample size for hardness is 5 now, but why do we have only 3 values in “Notes” cell?
As per ISO5858, §, table 13, column A shall apply for sampling. Mfg batch size is 4610. So, 20 parts should have been tested. Why do we still have only 5 nuts tested? 15 nuts shall be tested in addition to reach 20, as required by ISO585, table 13, column A.
Test-Reports-EN2753-050-1 modified:
AFS’s part number has been added => okay
Heat treatment designation and specification is still missing.
Sample size for hardness is 5 now, but why do we have only 3 values in “Notes” cell?
As per ISO5858, §, table 13, column A shall apply for sampling. Mfg batch size is 11041. So, 20 parts should have been tested. Why do we still have only 5 nuts tested? 15 nuts shall be tested in addition to reach 20, as required by ISO585, table 13, column A.
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards, Julien
4.2 Conditions for carrying out qualification checks and tests
Possibly, the test program can be reduced, or the qualification of a nut can be pronounced without inspection or test, depending on the results obtained on other types or diameters of nuts, provided
that these nuts have an identical design and that they were manufactured under the same conditions.
See attached TR No. 13582402;
Hello Antoine,
So, ARCONIC performed 20 locking torque tests (single-cycle) on another manufacturing batch (#13582402), as ISO5858, § requires for Acceptance (sampling for Acceptance is according to Table 13, column A and this new tested mfg batch size = 9976 parts).
Moreover, these additional single-cycle locking torque tests were carried out on the same reference “5JSR20009M”, corresponding to EN2753-050 nuts.
All these these tests are compliant.
As per ISO5858, §4.2, this qualification renewal shall be extended to diameter code 3 mm, even if EN2753-030 nuts have not undergone 20 single-cycle locking torque tests.
Many thanks for your support.
Have a good day.