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Certification of Aerospace Products to international quality Standards
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Since no fatigue tests were carried out on bolts due to bolt length (too short), could you please clearly add that we have a length restriction (up to 9 mm if I am not wrong)? However, this restriction is more or less visible in this qualification.
As per EN4071, thread major diameter “dmax” shall be equal to D1min – 0,025.
D1min = D1 – 0,035. (MJ5x0,8)
Dmax = 5-0,035-0,025 = 4,940 mm
In dimensional test report (FAI), maximum major diameter = 5,000 mm (ISO5855-2).
Could you just please take into account this?
Hopefully, actual values are in line with dmax = 9,940 mm.
Many thanks in advance,
Best regards
Good Afternoon Julien,
Concerning the maximum requirement on thread major Ø, I do not consider this note as applicable because the EN4071-053 are D1 oversized bolts .
D1 min is modified by the EN4016 to 5.265, so dmax should be 5.240mm, obtain such maximum thread major Ø is not possible.
Have a nice day.
Best regards,
Quentin BRETON