PQ210 – Deutsch, FR – incl EN2997
Issue Date: 3 Oct 2011First renewed on: 1 Feb 2019
Second renewed on: 1 Feb 2022
Current renewal date: 1 Feb 2022
Expiration Date: 1 Feb 2025
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Technical Specification | Standard no | Designation (or identifiers) | Formal description of Product |
EN2997-001 | EN2997-005 | Classes Y and YE | Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled by threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, operating temperatures - 65 °C to 175 °C continuous, 200 °C continuous, 260 °C peak - Part 005: Hermetic square flange receptacle - Produc |
EN2997-001 | EN2997-006 | Classes Y and YE | Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled by threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, operating temperatures - 65 °C to 175 °C continuous, 200 °C continuous, 260 °C peak - Part 006: Hermetic jam-nut mounted receptacle - Prod |
EN2997-001 | EN2997-007 | Classes Y and YE | Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled by threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, operating temperatures - 65 °C to 175 °C continuous, 200 °C continuous, 260 °C peak - Part 007: Hermetic receptacle with round flange atta |
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Location of Site accredited by this PQ: TE Deutsch - Evreux (FR)
PQ210 Link to the PQ PDF