PQ150 – RIBE Richard Bergner, Schwabach, GE – LN29794
Issue Date: 12 Jun 2008Expiration Date: 1 Jun 2011
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Technical Specification | Standard no | Designation (or identifiers) | Formal description of Product |
LN29949 | 836, 516 | Aerospace; cheese screws with internal serration, corrosion resistant for temperatures up to 650° C | |
LN29522 | 6010 | Hexagon bolts, close tolerance, for shear and tensile loads. | |
LN9139 | M5 x 24, M4 x 16 | Aerospace; screws, machine, round head, cross-recessed, antimagnetic LN 9139 | |
LN9037 | 8038, M6 x 58 | Aerospace; screws, hexagon head and shank tolerances h 11 | |
LN9038 | 8012 | Screws, hexagon head, fully threaded | |
LN9037 | M5 x 12 | Aerospace; screws, hexagon head and shank tolerances h 11 | |
LN29794 | 06 x 13 | Aerospace - Screws, countersunk head with TORQ-SET recess, nearly threaded to the head |
LN29794, LN9037, LN9038, LN9139, LN29522, LN29949
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Location of Site accredited by this PQ: Richard Bergner Fastenings - Schwabach (DE)
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